Архив меток: recruitment

LinkedIn: Tips for Managing a Professional Profile

Эта же статья на русском: LinkedIn: советы по ведению профессионального профиля

I frequently hire employees, so I decided to share my experience on what I pay attention to. LinkedIn is the de facto leading global resource where people publish their CVs. Therefore, I will review resume formatting based on this resource.

There are countless guides and courses on how to properly format your LinkedIn page to get noticed and hired. I can’t say that there is only one right way. Instead, I’ll describe how I look at the profiles of people who catch my interest or potential candidates.

Let me emphasize that this is my personal opinion, based on three pillars:

  • Personal experience in hiring
  • Common sense
  • Advice from fellow recruiters, especially Tatsiana Malinouskaya, arguably the best recruiter I’ve ever worked with

So, let’s go step by step. Any profile consists of several sections, so let’s briefly discuss each.

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